Web Stuff Extra Rules
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:59 am
In addition to the Forum Rules - Easy Read Version and Longer Version these are specific rules for the "Web Stuff" forums.
- Please ensure you have read the main forum rules.
- In the Web Stuff forums you will find that most questions can be answered by the knowledgebase articles. Please search for your question and read the appropriate knowledgebase article. If you still have an issue or it doesn't answer the question then ensure you have search for others with the issue before posting your question.
- Remember this is a forum, if you need urgent assistance you should contact support using any of the appropriate means. Depending on the time of day you could phone but the best way is to first submit a support ticket with all the information, from your account.
- Forums do not get immediate responses. You will have to wait for an answer. In busy times this could take a day or two although in quieter times it could be in an hour or even a few minutes.
- The forum staff are volunteers, so please respect them and their time.
- The management team are also not paid for this and do this on a volunteer basis, although they work for CritchCorp Computers Ltd Support Department.
- If you resolve your issue before a response, come back and close your question and if possible add the answer to help others.
- Whilst we primarily deal with CritchCorp products and services we are happy to help anyone with an issue but we will have no access to your account and so cannot fix the issue for you.
- Do NOT provide usernames, passwords, IP addresses and other personal or secure information in the forum, nor through PMs. Use the ticket system in your account.
- If you want to transfer to our services, then please create an account and request support through our ticket system, where we will be able to do more direct help to ensure you complete the transfer without downtime.